Pécs, one of Hungary’s most stunning cities, is located in the South Transdanubia region. Known for its rich historical and cultural heritage, Pécs stands out among Hungarian cities. Home to one of the country’s oldest universities, founded in 1367, Pécs remains a significant educational and cultural center. History and Attractions The history of Pécs […]
Pécs, Magyarország egyik leglenyűgözőbb városa, a Dél-Dunántúlon fekszik, és gazdag történelmi és kulturális örökségével kiemelkedik a magyar városok sorában. Az 1367-ben alapított egyetemével az ország egyik legrégebbi egyetemi városa, amely a mai napig jelentős oktatási és kulturális központ. Történelem és látnivalók Pécs történelme egészen a római korig nyúlik vissza, amikor Sopianae néven volt ismert. […]
Welcome again, Dear Reader! With my previous article – as we Hungarians say – I made a big splash with my account of my trip to the US, which you can read here. The experience was so fresh in my mind that the topic simply gave itself to me. But now I’d like to introduce […]
How sports can affect a whole country’s mood even during a pandemic? Sports are important in people’s lives, many of us do some kind of exercise, others just like to watch and talk about sport. Sports have a lot of positive effects, but for me the most important is that they connect people. Every country […]