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Címke: America

máj 07
The July 4th Fireworks in New York City

On July 4, 1776, the United States Declaration of Independence was signed, proclaiming the separation from Great Britain. This occasion is celebrated across the United States with fireworks, parades, and hot dog eating contests. The scorching sun, long lines at ice cream shops, and of course, the festive atmosphere accompany the preparations for July 4th. […]

ápr 30
New York-i Július 4-ei tűzijáték

1776-ban július 4-én írták alá az Egyesült Államok Függetlenségi Nyilatkozatát, ami kimondta, az elszakadást Nagy-Britanniától. Ezt tűzijátékkal, felvonulásokkal és hot dog evő versennyel is ünnepelik az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban. A forró napsütés, a fagyizók hosszú sorai és persze az ünnepi hangulat, ami a július 4-i ünnepi készülődést kíséri. New York City-ben azonban ez a hangulat […]

ápr 23
The City That Never Sleeps II.

With millions of people bustling through the streets, it’s truly a different world here, as the Hungarian masterpiece by Tátrai Band/Charlie also echoes in its lyrics. The Time Square, almost as populous as Hungary itself, is one of the most popular tourist spots in the city, where the hustle and bustle never cease – just […]

jan 02
I’ve been to America, the emblem of my profession…: I am Hungarian

This title is very dear to me, I know many people can say that they have been to America as a Hungarian. And here, presumably, it is read by people who are Hungarians living in America. Now I would like to tell you, dear reader, about an experience that was a defining one for me! […]